If you suffer from stress for too long and your body cannot recover from stress, you can get burnout. I usually give the metaphor ; If you put 350 volts on a light bulb that can only handle 250 volts for an extended period of time then the light bulb burns out. It burns out! Your "reserves" are then depleted and your body and mind become exhausted.
Burnout can often be work-related, but not necessarily. It can also happen with other ongoing stress. For example, if you are caring for a sick family member or friend, doing a heavy and busy study, or having money worries for a long time. Usually there are warning signs, but more often they go unrecognized or are ignored for too long.
Many people think that with a little (or a lot) of rest, the symptoms will go away. Sometimes it can even seem that way. But if you don't address the core of how the burnout came about and through this insight start to feel and look at yourself and your life substantially differently, the pattern keeps repeating itself and the burnout can come back again. You can keep running on strength and character, but your energy is not infinite.
I often refer to burnout as a gift in a very ugly package, as crazy as that sounds. After all, it forces you to get back in touch with yourself and ask yourself questions about what really matters to you. You may use your strength and character to do so. Again with a different insight and therefore with a different outlook on life. You may learn to say 'no' again in a healthy way and keep more balance.
During our program you get exercises, insights and awareness of your current life rhythm. A concrete approach to your stressors. Getting back in touch with yourself and learning to feel the physical signals of your body in time with stress through body awareness. Please contact me, I would love to help you!