Being tired. We all know that concept. We all have to deal with it. After a hard day's work or a period of stress at work or at home. Usually this fatigue goes away when the cause is gone and one has been able to take some rest. Putting your mind to something else for a while. Enjoying sports or just resting gives back the energy.
But what to do if the fatigue persists? If it does not go away or even get less? Not even after months. When one wakes up not rested after sleeping and sports exhausts even more?
The actual cause of persistent fatigue is not always easy to determine and is also sometimes confused with other conditions. It can certainly have a mental cause, but not necessarily, as there are also physical causes (e.g. due to inflammatory processes in the body, think CFS/ ME, fybromyalgia, pulmonary covid).
Unfortunately, the history of prolonged denial and mislabeling of fatigue syndrome, brings additional problems. The patient/client does not feel taken seriously and social isolation can become more common. You simply no longer have the energy to go out, play sports, go out socially, have friends over. In short, everything becomes almost too much and the fatigue symptoms more intense.
I am there for you to listen to you and to take your complaints seriously. You are not alone. I can guide you to listen more to the signals of your body and how to deal with them consciously and responsibly. We can work together on your strategies (thoughts and behaviors) and find acceptance in the fact that unfortunately not everything can be controlled.
As you read, I'm not writing about how I help you get rid of your fatigue symptoms. It is more about me being there for you and how you can deal with the situation that is there now. How can you enjoy life a little bit again despite the fatigue and the symptoms it brings.
From experience I would like to offer brainspotting as a very suitable form of therapy, in order to appeal to your self-healing capacity in the process without appealing too much to the cognitions. Your brain and body determine what you can handle at that moment.
When you are dealing with (over)fatigue and recognize yourself in the above description, then you are welcome to contact me. I would love to hear from you.