The various forms of therapy explained
In my practice I use psychodynamic therapy and brainspotting. Together these offer a wide range of perspectives and possibilities to explore a question for help, which I would like to briefly discuss below.
In Psychodynamic therapy we use different methods in combination with each other to be able to bring movement to what may be stuck/blocked. Together we examine your question and look for the core of the problem. From this knowledge we look at which method suits you best to make this movement possible. Psychodynamic therapy is not a "one size fits all" treatment. Therefore, the exact content of the treatment will vary from person to person. The length and form of treatment depends on the type of problem being treated, on you as a person and on me as a therapist.
I will explain the different methods separately below;
Behavioral Therapy (RET)
In RET therapy, I will help you identify negative, irrational thoughts. By learning to replace these with rational thoughts, it is possible to get a more realistic view of yourself and the environment. RET is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy.Systemic work
We all live in multiple systems. Our families, work, clubs and our circle of friends to name a few. Many of our unconscious beliefs, behaviors and patterns originate in the systems in which we grew up. We have brought with us empowering and limiting patterns, often out of loyalty. In your current life, you may encounter these patterns again within new systems, for example, your relationship or your work. With systemic work you can make these unconscious patterns visible again.Inner-child work
Inner child work is a look back into your past. Much of how you live your life now was created during your childhood. Pleasant childhood experiences can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Unpleasant experiences can bother you for a lifetime. Although we all experience different emotions and feelings, certain experiences can affect you to such an extent that it hinders or blocks you. Get to know your damaged and pure child and therefore your needs and with this discover a new adult perspective.Regression therapy
Regression therapy means that we go back into your present life through hypnotherapy to find the cause of problems. In our lives, we encounter all kinds of other people and all kinds of events. These cause us to have certain beliefs, about everything around us, but especially about ourselves. Those beliefs can become obstacles, or blockages. With regression therapy, we focus on these blockages; we can find out where they come from and unblock these blockages, which in turn empowers you.Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a proven effective form of therapy in which hypnosis (trance) is used to treat certain complaints. It allows you to tap into your subconscious and get to know your feelings and complaints better. This therapy is used for anxiety, depression, physical complaints, sleep problems and stress, among other things.Mindfulness
Living more consciously with attention and mildness, that is what mindfulness is about. The basis of mindfulness is bringing attention to the only time we have to live: the present moment, "here" and "now. You do this by observing your inner reactions that show up in thoughts, emotions and feelings. MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) has made the principle accessible to a large group of people, who struggle with feelings of depression, have pain symptoms, or who are looking for a useful way to deal well with the inevitable stresses of life.Bio-energetics
Bioenergetics is a body-oriented method, aimed at releasing blockages of tension that have taken hold in the body and promoting a proper flow of energy. Through exercises involving breathing, vibrating or shaking the body loose, posture, expression, stretching and spontaneous movements, the body and mind are brought back into balance and vitality and life force are promoted.The founder of Brainspotting is psychotherapist Dr. David Grand. He developed Brainspotting from his broad experience in the field of trauma treatment and EMDR.
In our rational brain, intense events or trauma often exceed our processing capacity (Our Common Sense) and are therefore stored in the form of unprocessed "information capsules" in our body and brain (Lymbic System and Reptilian Brain). These can develop into blockages and persistent patterns in daily life.
In Brainspotting, I use your field of vision, the eye position, to find out where these blockages or unprocessed 'information capsules' are being held. The eyes are like an umbilical cord of the brain. "Where you look is how you feel!" Once detected, we let your "system" do the work. Your brain and body know best what needs to happen for you to get into your healing process. I as a therapist will be there for you and guide you, but do not direct you.
As you hold the found eye position longer, relevant areas in your brain become stimulated causing these unprocessed "information capsules" to be found. When these are found, a body's own healing process (the special self-healing ability) automatically starts in the brain that causes certain systems that have become imbalanced to be reintegrated. This way of processing, which seems to take place almost in a reflexive/competitive manner and at the cellular level within the nervous system, causes de-conditioning of disruptive emotional and physical reactions. Brainspotting dismantles the trauma, symptom, physical pain and dysfunctional beliefs that seem to keep recurring.
In Brainspotting, I use Bilateral music and a pointer for eye position. Sometimes clients try to make sense of it with their common sense, but it is precisely not common sense or reason that is at work here. For a brief explanation of Brainspotting, please watch the excerpts below: